Blasting Off: My Patreon Launch


Blasting Off: My Patreon Launch

After much deliberation, I’ve pulled together an intro, some bonus tiers and a plan and launched a Patreon account.

What is Patreon?

For those of you scratching your heads, wondering what on Earth Patreon is, basically it’s a site that allows an audience to support creators they like in exchange for bonuses that the creator sets up (similar to the way patrons used to support artists in ye olden times). This means creative types, such as writers, can earn while they work and audiences get that extra bit of interaction with the art/writing etc. that they love, as well as the person who produced it.

Why do you have a Patreon?

I have one simply because I want to make money from my writing. If you follow this blog, you’ll know that I’ve taken this year out to take a serious crack at being a professional writer and I believe this is a step in the right direction. I want to build a community around my work and I want to try and show how much I value the support of that community by providing snippets that only a handful of folks get to see.

What are Patreon tiers?

Tiers on Patreon are essentially levels of rewards based on the amount you pay. These are set up by the creator. In my case the lowest donation amount is $2 (£1.50) and for that you’ll get monthly writing updates and plenty of pictures of Kit. More information on tiers can be found on my Patreon.

I don’t really have money to spare…

That’s absolutely fine! I get where you’re coming from (trust me). I honestly don’t expect everyone who reads this article to start giving, but my Patreon’s there so that if you like my work and you do have a bit of spare cash, there’s an option to chip in and get a bonus. But never fear if you can’t afford to, there are plenty of other ways you can help support me (and other creators)! If you like my work, please share it on whatever social media platform you use the most. When you see Moon-Sitting come out grab a copy (if you can) and review it! Or share a link with a friend who you think might enjoy it 🙂 Community is the most important thing a creator can have and I’m incredibly grateful for everyone that’s already helped me get this far.

The summary thing:

So yes, I have a Patreon which you can access as of today. Please bear with me while I learn the ropes. It seemed fairly intuitive until I spent 10 minutes staring, trying to figure out how to edit tiers last night, only to realise the words “Edit Tier” were written in bright orange letters at the top of each box like a title. I will probably aim for the first lot of bonuses to go out at the end of the month, so if you fancy being a patron, make sure you’re signed up by then so you don’t miss the first round 🙂 Although…I think actually you might still be able to see past posts…I’ve not figured that out yet. This is going to be a learning experience.



P.S. If you’re new here, here are a few examples of my of the sort of fiction I write: Moth Child, The Intersection, Moving Day.